Sunday 20 July 2014

My Week in 7 Photos

I've really enjoyed my week and just thought I would quickly share my highlights with you.

1. Work experience - I took a quick snap of my desk in the Charity office at my local hospice, where I am working at the moment. I'm really enjoying it and I hope any effort I put in over the summer raises some well deserved money. At the moment I'm currently working on securing corporate sponsorship for the Hospice from local businesses. In such a difficult time economically, it is a difficult job, but I'm ready and willing to take on the challenge! I'm also going to help organise a few large scale events, including a Moulin Rouge themed event, so watch this space!

2. Bowling - I did a separate blog post on my evening at the bowling alley, but I thought I would mention it again as it was one of my favourite things this week! I'm hoping to go back a few more times while I'm home. If you want to see the bowling post and review of the new food diner, click this link here

3. Pizza - Dominos is one of my favourite things to eat ever, so when my Mum suggested it I couldn't resist! I'm doing well for exercise but really struggling to choose the healthier options when it comes to food! Don't get me wrong, I don't eat like this all the time, despite what it might look like on my blog! I just post the naughty foods because they are treats. It was the perfect way to end a perfect week. I've eaten out several times this week, but had salads every day for lunch, so I don't feel too guilty!

4. Running - Running is still going really well. I'm running three times a week, as recommended by the app, with a day's rest in between. I'm feeling a lot better in myself and I'm becoming more confident at running in public. I've completed the 2nd of the 9 week running course on my NHS Choices Couch to 5k app, and even though I've got a long way to go, I feel quite proud of my progress so far, as someone who has never ran at all!

5. Shopping - I have definitely shopped until I have dropped this week! I'm hoping to be better behaved with my card in the next few weeks, as I don't want to get into the habit of this! I'm generally quite good at saving, but I want to save a bit more over summer and next year for 'rainy day savings', in case I don't find graduate employment straight away, or even if I do, so that I always have that little amount in case anything goes wrong! I'm really pleased with my purchases this week, from my Liz Earle collection as pictured above, which you can read about here, and my shopping haul, which you can read more about here and here

6. Bloglovin -  I've only been blogging for about a month, and I've had around 1200 views and 22 followers. It may not sound like a lot, but I'm really really grateful and pleased with how well my blog is doing in terms of viewers and support. I started it as a hobby and for my friends and family, and it's great to know people are actually reading it, so thank you!

7. Sundays - My day today was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. I haven't had a lazy day in absolutely ages, and it was nice just putting my feet up and watching tv for hours on end with a good cup of tea! I feel so refreshed. I did also go for a fun, and I'm about to go out now to play with my nieces and nephews, but I'm so glad I had a day off doing nothing! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed your week as much as I enjoyed mine! 


  1. Your blog is amazing, I just followed you on Bloglovin :)
    I really like the idea of this post!!

    INDIELLIE | life style & photography blog

    1. Thank you so much! I just looked at your blog quickly and I love it, it's really great!
      I need a camera which is good for blogging, but not too expensive. Could you recommend any?

      I've followed you back :)

      Shannon x


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